Engelska böcker och skrifter
- Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic counries (ed. with Nora Sánchez Gassen), Nordregio 2024. Link.
- Financial Regulation and Macroeconomic Stability in the Nordics (ed. with Peter Englund), Nordic Economic Policy Review 2020. Link.
- Stability in the Balance – a Report on the Roles of Fiscal and Monetary Policy to the Expert Group on Public Economics (with John Hassler and Anna Seim), ESO 2023:1. Link.
- Fiscal Frameworks and Fiscal Sustainability in the Nordics, Nordic Council oMinisters 2020. Download.
- Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets (ed. with Nora Sánchez Gassen), Nordic Council of Ministers 2019. Link.
- Climate Policies in the Nordics (ed. with John Hassler), Nordic Economic Policy Review 2019. Link.
- Increasing Income Inequality (ed. with Jesper Roine), Nordic Economic Policy Review 2018. Download.
- EEAG Report on the European Economy 2012 by the European Economic Advisory Group (with Giancarlo Corsetti, John Hassler, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm Akos Valentinyi and Xavier Vives), CESifo 2008, Munich. Download.
- Labour Market Consequences of the Economic Crisis (with Bertil Holmlund), Nordic Economic Policy Review 2011:1. Download.
- Swedish Fiscal Policy 2011 (with Torben Andersen Michael Bergman, Laura Hartman, Lars Jonung, Helena Svaleryd, Lars Tobisson and Erik Åsbrink), Swedish Fiscal Policy Council 2011. Download.
- The Role of Independent Fiscal Policy Institutions: Report to the Prime Minister’s Office in Finland, inFinanssipolitiikan instituutiot, Valtioneuvoston kanslian julkaisusarja (Prime Minister’s Office Publications) 18/2010, Helsinki. Also Studies in Fiscal Policy 2010/9, Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, Stockholm, CESifo Working Paper No. 3367 and IIES Seminar Paper No. 767. Download.
- Fiscal Policy Coordination in Europe, briefing paper for the European Parliament PE 440.292, /IP/A/ECON/NT/2010-10/, September 2010. Also as IIES Seminar Paper No. 765. Download.
- Swedish Fiscal Policy 2010 (with Torben Andersen, Michael Bergman, Martin Flodén, Laura Hartman, Helena Svaleryd, Lars Tobisson and Erik Åsbrink), Swedish Fiscal Policy Council 2010. Download.
- How Have We Handled the Economic Crisis and What Do We Do Now? Félix Neubergh Lecture at the School of Economics, Business and Law, University of Gothenburg, 8 December 2009. Download.
- Trade in Services and in Goods with Low-Wage Countries – How Do Attitudes Differ and How Are They Formed? (with Girts Dimdins, Marie Gustafsson, Henry Montgomery and Ulrika Stavlöt), Sieps 2009:6. Download.
- Comments on the 2010 Budget Bill (with Torben Andersen, Michael Bergman, Martin Flodén, Laura Hartman, Helena Svaleryd, Lars Tobisson and Erik Åsbrink), Swedish Fiscal Policy Council 2009. Download.
- Swedish Fiscal Policy 2009 (with Torben Andersen, Martin Flodén, Laura Hartman, Ann-Sofie Kolm, Lars Tobisson and Erik Åsbrink), Swedish Fiscal Policy Council 2008. Download.
- EEAG Report on the European Economy 2008 by the European Economic Advisory Group (Lars Calmfors, Giancarlo Corsetti, Michael P. Devereux, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm and Xavier Vives), CESifo 2008, Munich. Download.
- Knowledge-Driven Growth: An Initial Report by the Globalisation Council (with other members), Ds 2007:38, Stockholm, 2007. Download.
- Flexicurity – an Answer or a Question, European Policy Analysis 2007:6, Sieps. Download.
- EEAG Report on the European Economy 2007 of the European Economic Advisory Group (Lars Calmfors, Giancarlo Corsetti, Michael P. Devereux, Seppo Honkapohja, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm and Xavier Vives), CESifo 2007 Munich. Report.
- Edmund Phelp’s Contributions to Macroeconomics (with Peter Englund, Tore Ellingsen, Lars Engwall, Bertil Holmlund, Per Krusell, Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, Lars Magnusson, Timo Teräsvirta and Jörgen Weibull), Information for the Public on the 2006 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Download.
- Edmund Phelp’s Contributions to Macroeconomics (with Peter Englund, Tore Ellingsen, Lars Engwall, Bertil Holmlund, Per Krusell, Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, Lars Magnusson, Timo Teräsvirta and Jörgen Weibull), Advanced Information on the 2006 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Download.
- EEAG Report on the European Economy 2006 by the European Economic Advisory Group (with Giancarlo Corsetti, Seppo Honkapohja, John Kay, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn, Jan-Egbert Sturm and Xavier Vives), CESifo 2006, Munich. Download.
- What Remains of the Stability Pact and What Next?, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2005:8. Report.
- EEAG Report on the European Economy 2005bythe European Economic Advisory Group (with Giancarlo Corsetti, Seppo Honkapohja, John Kay, Willi Leibfritz, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn and Xavier Vives), CESifo 2005, Munich. Report.
- Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott’s Contribution to Dynamic Macroeconomics: The Time Inconsistency of Economic Policy and the Driving Forces behind Business Cycles (with Peter Englund, Tore Ellingsen, Lars Engwall, Per Krusell, Karl- Gustaf Löfgren, Timo Teräsvirta and Jörgen Weibull), Advanced Information on the 2004 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. Download.
- EEAG Report on the European Economy 2004 by the European Economic Advisory Group (with Giancarlo Corsetti, Seppo Honkapohja, John Kay, Willi Leibfritz, Gilles
- EEAG Report on the European Economy 2003 by the European Economic Advisory Group (with Giancarlo Corsetti, John Flemming, Seppo Honkapohja, John Kay, Willi Leibfritz, Gilles Saint-Paul, Hans-Werner Sinn and Xavier Vives), CESifo 2003, Munich. Report.
- The Role of Unions in the Twenty-First Century (with Tito Boeri and Agar Brugiavini), Oxford University Press2001.
- A Balanced Approach to Employment Policy in Europe (with Alan Manning and Gilles Saint-Paul), HM Treasury, London, 1998.
- Labor Market Policy and Job Creation – Swedish and U.S. Experiences. Summary by Moderators, Conference organised by the Embassy of the United States, Stockholm, 20 May, 1997.
- EMU – A Swedish Perspective (with Harry Flam, Nils Gottfries, Magnus Jerneck, Rutger Lindahl, Janne Haaland Matlary, Christina Nordh Berntsson, Ewa Rabinowicz and Anders Vredin), Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997.
- Swedish Economic Policy Review Nos. 1-2, 1994(ed. with Susanne Ackum Agell); No. 1, 1995; Nos. 1-2, 1997 (ed. with Harry Flam); No. 2, 1998 (ed. with Per Skedinger); No 1, 2000 (ed. with Mats Persson); No. 1, 2001.
- Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Policy in the Nordic Countries (ed.), SNS and Oxford University Press 1990.
- The Fight Against Unemployment –Macroeconomic Papers from CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) (ed. With Richard Layard,) MIT Press 1987.
- Trade Unions, Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Stability (ed. with Henrik Horn), Macmillan 1986. Also as special issue of Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1985:2.
- Long-run Effects on Short-Run Stabilization Policy (ed.), Macmillan 1983. Also as special issue of Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1982:2.
- Prices, Wages and Employment in the Open Economy, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, Monograph no 10, 1978 (Ph D dissertation).